Special Order Items

Special Order items are products not stocked at Turn 14 Distribution’s warehouses, and are therefore

only ordered from a manufacturer after a customer places an order for them. These items are identified

on Turn14.com with a label below the part number stating “Special Order”. Special Order items may be

subject to additional terms, restrictions, or fees regarding returns and order cancellations, as explained


Special Order Return Fee

Most Special Order items are eligible for return, but a 10% Special Order Return fee will apply. This fee

ONLY applies to Special Order items. All regularly stocked parts are eligible for full credit upon return in

new condition.

Special Order Return fees never apply to In Stock orders. If a customer places an order for a Special

Order item that happens to be in stock at one of our warehouses, the 10% fee would not apply if they

returned it.

Cancellation/Return Terms and Restrictions

Certain Special Order items cannot be cancelled and/or returned after the order has been processed

due to terms and restrictions imposed by the manufacturer. Items subject to these unique restrictions

will either be identified on Turn14.com with a note under the part number (indicating the nature of the

terms), or a member of our Support team will contact the customer directly to explain the terms, and

give them an opportunity to approve or cancel the order before it is finalized.